baby sleep · Moms · parenting · toddlers

What’s the Rush?

At a recent excursion to the park with my daughter, I was approached by a couple of other moms who also had their toddlers in tow. We engaged in pleasantries and then the inquisition commenced.

When did your daughter start sleeping through the night?
Did you breastfeed? Have you started potty training?
How many words can she say?
How many languages does she speak?
When did she start walking?
What play groups does she attend?
Do you have her on the waiting list for preschool?

What?! She is ONE. Should I feel amiss because I have not pushed her to hit particular milestones or signed her up for preschool? I just could not help but to think, “What’s the rush?”

Moms · parenting · toddlers

Not So Sleeping Beauty

I dream of sleep, daydream that is. At the end of each day, I am thoroughly exhausted from working as an online teacher and chasing around one very energetic toddler. My back aches from carrying around said toddler, along with my laptop, while simultaneously conferencing with a parent and/or sweeping the floor. My back aches from cooking dinner and bending over coloring with daughter each evening. My eyeballs ache from staring at a computer screen for eight plus hours a day. All of these aches and pains and yet, I lay down in bed each night and my foggy brain suddenly fires to life while my eyelids pop open. I have insomnia and it sucks, big time.

health · parenting · recipes · toddlers

The 5 Ways Being Healthy Can Be Fun!

‘Tis the season of indulgence and I will be giving my Kitchen Aid quite the workout this season, as I love a good holiday bake-a-thon. I love filling my house with the smell of freshly baked goodies as I stare at the ever-growing stack of packages beneath our glittering tree. Then, just like Cinderella, when… Continue reading The 5 Ways Being Healthy Can Be Fun!